Wednesday, March 3, 2010

tara vs. the asian hot sauce

Tara came over yesterday with the girls for a visit. Aaron - our rocket scientist in training son in law - was at school. After a fashion we decided that the girls were driving us insane and that we should go for a walk. Tara opted for the library - free, which is good because we're all broke - but instead I suggested the new Asian grocery store that just opened up around the corner which in a sense would also be free because what would two Polish girls find of interest in an Asian grocery store, right? Wrong. It started out innocently enough ...

"What's that green stuff?"

"I dunno."

"What's the package say?"



"That's it. Vegetable."

"Holy. They don't even know what it is ..."

And from that point on we just started buying. (Clearly we have a "thing" for unidentifiable foods.)

"What's that?"

"No idea but it looks interesting."

"What have you got there?"

"Um. Corn in a potato chip bag?"


"That's what it says. Corn. Even has a picture of corn on the front."

And then Tara saw it. Something she recognized. Sriracha sauce. The "must have" hot sauce of the century. Apparently, one is to "put it on everything" it's so good.

She saw it.
She bought it.
She put close to a tablespoon of it on a cracker.
She ate it.

Two hours later her mouth was still burning and I was still laughing.

And thanking God for separate bathrooms.

Oh. And for the record, we blew close to 30 bucks. And other than the hot sauce, we have no idea what we bought. But hey, the birds loved the corn in the potato chip bag.


Claudia looking angelic.

Eloise feeding Chief a cookie.


Tara said...

It is so good! Now that I've mastered the art of portion control.
You know what else is good??? Baloney Sandwich!

Heather said...

We've done this too - we discovered this gigantic international grocery store last year and spent money on stuff that sounded cool. A year later most of it's still sitting in the pantry :D

My goodness the grandkids are getting big, and still adorable as ever!