Sunday, March 28, 2010

bye bye boobie, boobie good-bye

My sister-in-law was diagnosed with breast cancer during the latter part of 2009. Ironically, it was discovered when she opted to go for her H1N1 shot because she works with the public. I guess at the end of the day, some good came out of the swine flu scare. Regardless, it's been a few rough months for everyone with all the tests she's had to endure. Tomorrow is her surgery to remove the infected breast plus lymph nodes. On Friday, we decided to have a Kiss The Boob Good-bye party because we're twisted like that. I didn't invite my mom -

"Hi ho, hi ho, it's straight to hell I go ..."

But Tara, Aaron, Bob and Tasha and all their little baby bunnies were asked to come. My logic was that with all those rabbits running around, Ben and Josie wouldn't have time to dwell on their problems. What I wasn't expecting was for Ben to come in, take in all the bunnies and say they weren't staying. (Gawd, they're just short people!) In the end, they stayed for a few hours. (I'm guessing my brother just opted to pretend he was at the zoo and he might as well get his money's worth.)

Pics from the boob party -

If you look really hard, you'll see there's four kids in this picture. Jungle babies.

Claudia's perma look when Dora the Explorer is on TV.

No Kiss The Boob Good-bye party is complete without boobcakes. (Tara's idea.)

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