I've had an almost migraine for the past three days. I don't even get headaches, much less an almost migraine. Jay is blaming the weather. The same time the almost migraine came in, a Colorado Low and a Texas SomethingOrOther collided over Southern Ontario bringing us snow, ice, intense winds and rain. (Because the Winter From Hell hasn't been bad enough apparently.) I digress. These lows came in and my head went straight into an invisible vice. I've flipped between wanting to cry, throw up, move south, kill something, sleep, jump on a plane to Scotland - because somehow those hated winds blowing off the North Sea seem like a walk in the park in June right about now - eat Advil like candy ... well, you get the general idea. I'm not a happy camper. Throughout all this, my mom has been calling and leaving You Must Do This Immediately type messages on my phone like, "I have no crackers." After fighting the almost migraine for 48 hours and not winning, I knew I had to call her, almost migraine or not.
"Hi mom. I *really* can't talk long, I've been sick in bed with a headache all weekend. What is it you need, I'll bring it by tomorrow."
27 minutes and 34 seconds later ....
"I guess I'll let you go. You should take an aspirin. See you tomorrow!"
On the plus side, she *did* hear me when I said I wasn't feeling well.
Why are sinuses capable of holding 74 gallons of snot at a time? Has anyone looked into this? I can't speak for everyone here, but I'm almost positive my sinuses aren't 12 miles long.
If I don't weigh in at around 600 pounds by the time the Winter From Hell is over, it'll be a miracle.
Lemon Squares |
1 comment:
I came thisclose to googling "what cancer causes excess snot?" when I had my uber cold.
Speaking of which, Aaron said I shouldn't use the word uber like that, since I've lived in Germany and should apparently know better.
Uber annoying.
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